Ending our Day of Recollection with a funny photo on the steps of St. Adele’s. Pictures taken by Sr. Sheila Undang.
The Sisters of Mount Carmel Lacombe Generalate and Carmelite Spirituality Center Staff gathered for their annual Day of Recollection at the Sisters of Mount Carmel St. Adele Villa in MS on September 11, 2014. The theme of the day of recollection was “Carmelite Spirituality: A Way of Life.” Sister Maria Sheila Undang, O. Carm. prepared and facilitated the prayers and showed them the video on “Timor-Leste Foundation.” Sister Catherine Martin, O. Carm. facilitated the day of recollection with her presentation on Carmelite Spirituality using the story of the Prophet Elijah in the Book of Kings through art. Sister Catherine guided those attending through art and prayer, journeying each one’s life in the light of God’s presence from our past, present and future.
The staff enjoyed their day of personal and communal prayer, recollection and art, as well as expressed their gratitude for the gift of each other’s presence. They also expressed how they appreciate the ministries of the sisters and how grateful they are to be part of the sister’s mission and ministry.
By: Sister Maria Sheila Undang, O. Carm.