Jackie Trahan, Principal; Sr. Janet LeBlanc, President; Katie LeBlanc, Advancement Director; Marcy Lege, Advancement Director
My Carmel journey began as a first grader at Mount Carmel in Abbeville. The Sisters were a big part of my life as a child of Carmel. They influenced my decision to enter the Carmelite Order in 1974 after graduating from UL in Lafayette. My love for Carmel enhanced my ministry to serve God’s people in Catholic education at E.D.W. in Thibodaux; MCA in New Orleans; MCA in New Iberia and MCS in Abbeville. I taught elementary or high schools students in each school and also served in Administration in New Iberia and Abbeville. My present ministry is serving as President of Mount Carmel in Abbeville. Remembering Mother

Mount Carmel School of Abbeville students at morning prayer, praying to Mother Cabrini. Prayer being led by Rachael David, Religion Coordinator.
Mary Grace Danos, former principal in Abbeville, I find myself working with fund raising activities and overseeing the needs of our school. We are addressing our Capital Campaign at this time and sharing some of Mother Mary Grace’s means of raising money. Mother Mary Grace had a devotion to Mother Cabrini and we still have her statue facing the wall asking her to intercede for us and our needs. Mother Mary Grace would turn Mother Cabrini around when she needed money for the school so we do the same today. As we reach certain amounts of our monetary goal, we turn her to face us in thanksgiving for her loving assistance. Our students pray daily for our needs and ask Mother Cabrini to continue to intercede for us. Please continue to pray with us as the Sisters continue to serve the people of Vermilion Parish. God bless you, our friends.