Timor-Leste Postulants moved to the Philippines
Two junior professed sisters in the Philippines, Sister Juliet Naga, O. Carm and Sister Elsie Villason, O. Carm. renewed their vows on May 1, 2015 at Holy Child Hospital Chapel. Rev. Father Ramonito Torres,...
Father Eduardo Agosta Scarel’s January 2015 presentation – My Friend the Pope and his perspective on creation. To view the video, CLICK HERE.
Sr. Mary Ellen Wheelahan was interviewed by anchor Sulla Kim from WDSU-TV (Channel 6) about raising awareness during National Child Abuse Prevention Month. To view the video, CLICK HERE.
Members of the Sisters of Mount Carmel in Louisiana, USA gathered at their Carmelite Spirituality Center in Lacombe, LA on February 28, 2015 for a day of communal assembly entitled “Moving Forward in Hope:...
Not long after the creation of the earth and the exile from Eden, God formed a covenant with Noah: he would not destroy the earth by floods. The remnant of creatures in the...
As the 2015 Carnival season kicks into high gear, Sr. Mary Ellen was interviewed by Anchor Sulla Kim from WDSU-TV (Channel 6) about safety tips for parents during Mardi Gras. To view the...